Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Amy Goodman interviewed Julian Assange and Slavoj Zizek the other day and I realized the overlap of the bigger vision and structure that Assange was trying to create overlapped my own. In my February 2003 post I mentioned a social game governed by rules and transparency. I think Assange's attempt to challenge our cultural paralysis by communicating, through praxis, the fundamental principal that a minimum requirement for civilization is the right of everyone to know and everyone to tell. This principle could be the positive wedge needed to brake the block that the big institutions maintain on access to "truth" -- be it ever so relative.

My definitions and rules, mentioned at the beginning of this blog, were designed for maintaining access to structure and function in a collection of groups. An interesting discovery is that by certain requirements placed on information, the essential features of an organization could be known by anyone. The organization chart or "totem" revealed a "social" truth relating to the goals and policies of the organization, as well as other information laden parameters. The structure of the organization was created out of a syntactic grammar especially designed for groups. As a grammar, the dynamic and evolving structure, composed of entities and events, could be encoded into chromosome analogous information sets, capable of evolving and mutating, under the principal and value of being "user friendly" for the population thus represented -- social change -- subject to controlled evolution by the participants and members of a transparent collective of individuals -- an autopoietic jelly fish?

These organisms, so designed, could be released into the environment, in a evolutionary leap into and over the welcoming land of interstitial space, between existing corporations and institutions. Social change and social intelligence are the only ways of crawling out of the evolutionary dead-end that society is in now .

Monday, March 07, 2011

This is a very slow thread — a few entries every year; a reminder I'm here, still trying to assimilate the the past and the future — never mind the present. I check every year or so, for the associative snaps that jog my consciousness.

The most recent focus has been on fuel cell solutions. Alternatium needs an application to instantiate itself into the social structure. — have been looking up the subject and may take a course on photovoltaics — water and sunlight have a lot going for them; life is a good example; including, the social organism.